Can too much Epsom salt hurt your plants? Epsom salt which is also known as magnesium is used for quite a lot of things and excessive use of it on your plants can hurt them. If used moderately, Epsom salt can result in better plant growth.
Despite the name Epsom salt, it isn’t exactly what you put inside your food, and it does have lots of amazing as well. Epsom salt is called Epsom salt as a result of its chemical structure, it is a chemical compound made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. So, it is different from your table salt.
Epsom salt is generally used to relieve tense muscle, pain in the shoulder, knee, neck, back, and skull. Unnecessary use of this Epsom salt needs to be avoided though since it’s very potent magnesium.
While there are lots of claims that Epsom salt might be great for plants, there is also research that shows this salt can cause more damage than good.
Epsom salt has been around for generations and reads on to discover if too much Epsom salt can hurt your plant or not and if it works.
Epsom Salt In Gardening
Using Epsom salt in the garden is not a new concept, it has been around for centuries and while there is no scientific evidence to prove this is good for plants, research shows it can help your plants stay healthy. Epsom salt can even help flowers bloom and plants grow bushier.
Epsom salt is recommended by many garden experts. This salt is magnesium which can be of great help to your plants. Epsom salt is a simple chemical that just consists of magnesium, sulfate, and just water which can also be referred to as oxygen.
The nutrients in Epsom salt can make up for the lack of it in your soil and one of the reasons it is adopted is because it is less expensive compared to fertilizers. It never hurts to add some magnesium to your plants if it doesn’t have enough of that but make sure to test your soil before adding magnesium to it.

Can Too Much Epsom Salt Hurt Plants?
Yes, too much Epsom salt can hurt your plants. There is no doubt on the benefits of magnesium in growing plants but keep in mind that too much of it can lead to blossom rot. Epsom salt provides plants with magnesium which can improve the plant’s ability to produce fruits and flowers, but it does pose a little danger of overuse.
To safely use Epsom salt on your plants, you need to carefully apply it and make sure not to overuse it. A tablespoon of Epsom salt isn’t enough to cause extreme damage to your plants but too much of it can cause your plant to wilt as it is a salt and excess will make it harder for your plants to take up water.
Avoid adding Epsom salt to the soil that already has enough magnesium. Adding Epsom salt to the soil that already has enough magnesium will only prevent adequate calcium from getting into your plants which can lead to wilt and blossom rot. Epsom salt should only be used if there is inadequate magnesium in your soil.
Tips For Using Epsom Salt In The Garden
While there are benefits to using Epsom salt, there are also risks to using too much of it. Epsom salt can be a good source of magnesium, but keep in mind that your plants don’t need any extra chemicals to thrive, and if you do have to use Epsom salt, here are simple tips to guide.
- Only spray Epsom salt if there is magnesium deficiency as adding Epsom salt to the soil that has sufficient magnesium can still hurt your plants
- The ideal ratio for using Epsom salt is 1 tablespoon per foot of plant height
- Epsom salt spray can help deter harmful garden pests
- It can be used to neutralize alkaline soil. However, if you have acidic soil then refrain from using Epsom salt
- 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water should be used on houseplants
- 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt applied 3 times annually per 9 square feet for trees.
How much Epsom salt do you put in a potted plant?
Potted plants sure need magnesium but not so much of it so mix about one tablespoon of Epsom salt in 1 gallon of water and water your plants once a month. You can use it as a foliar spray on houseplants and ensure not to water the leaves directly rather sprinkle it directly on the surface of the potting soil.
Wrapping Up
Magnesium is an essential nutrient for plants however some soil contains this without the need for extra which is why a soil test is important.
The potential benefits of Epsom salt will always be debated among gardeners, but ensure not to use Epsom salt as a fertilizer substitute and unless there is magnesium deficiency in your garden, you don’t have to use it.