For every house owner keen on enhancing the beauty of the home, flowering plants are a must-have.
Most nature lovers love growing flowering plants in their homes not only because of the brightness and color it adds to the atmosphere but because they also have calming effects on their onlookers. Flowering plants give off the warm ambiance every home needs.
Adding flowering plants to your décor list is an easy way of making your home look attractive. They usually come in varieties of colors and patterns but the choice is dependent on what suits the fancy of the grower.
We have compiled a list of 10 flowering plants you could propagate in your home as well as their care tips. Most of them are low maintenance so if you are a beginner you could choose from them to kick start your house plant propagation journey.
Beautiful Flowering Plants For your home
This is a list of flowering plants that can do wonders for your home. If you like to be creative, you could combine more than one to give that splash of vibrance although the theme of your home should be considered.
1. Orchids

The exotic Orchid comes in a variety of colors and the requirements for their care are dependent on their variety. This special plant does not like to be grown in regular soil but thrives in the orchid specialized mix.
They are very sensitive plants so they appreciate not being exposed to bright direct sunlight and require lots of attention since they are quite fragile. This plant requires more attention than most plants but they are quite easy to maintain.
Orchid Care Tips:
- Never water from the top of the plant
- Do not leave water in the bucket dish as it could lead to root rot
- Never mist the flowers as it could lead to patches on them.
2. Dianthus

The Dianthus commands attention no matter its position in a room. Its dominant colors are pink and white and some even have a combination of both colors.
Although they are sensitive, they are tough plants that can withstand being neglected for a while than other flowering plants. If you have a busy schedule, this is a good option for propagation.
Dianthus Care Tips:
- Foliage shrinkage is a sign of poor growth
- Pluck out dead flowers to enhance the growth of new flowers
- Water as needed.
3. Poinsettias

The beauty of Poinsettia is appreciated in full bloom. It is the perfect flowering plant for Christmas decorations. To enhance the beauty of the poinsettia, make use of attractive matching containers.
They require bright indirect light to survive. Ensure the soil never gets soggy as they are prone to overwatering. They do not like to be grown in dark and cold environments.
Poinsettias Care Tips:
- Check the soil texture to determine the amount of water it needs
- Use drilled pots to propagate
- Loosen the roots from the soil before transplanting.
4. Crossandra

The bright yellow and orange flower it exudes when it blooms can do wonders to the décor of your home. Placing them at a windowpane allows them to receive the medium sunlight needed to grow. They thrive in warm temperatures and should be kept away from cold environments.
The Crossandra could be used for other ornamental uses, for instance, making a bouquet with the flowers.
Crossandra Care Tips:
- Ensure soil never dries out before watering
- Grow in organic soil
- Check the soil before watering to gauge moisture level.
5. Anthurium

Anthurium first made its debut on HomeProMag among one of the most colorful houseplants for your home. Its common names are tail flowers, flamingo flowers amidst many others. It’s a popular flowering plant that has heart-shaped leaves and brightly colored flowers. They love to be grown in humid temperatures and detest low-light environments.
Ensure they are kept in areas they can receive bright but indirect sunlight. They thrive when they are moderately watered. You could fertilize them once every three months to enhance their growth.
Anthurium Care Tips:
- Use well-draining soil to propagate them
- Keep away from kids and pets as they are poisonous
- Wear gloves before tending to them.
6. Begonia

The different patterns and markings on the begonia make it an interesting choice to propagate. This flowering seed could be grown from seeds or tubers. In addition, the varieties come with different color options. When tended to, they grow into wide beautiful petals.
Other than growing them, they could always be used for a bouquet. They can be grown from seedlings or tubers but the flowers bloom is always larger than those from the seedlings.
Begonia Care Tips:
- Fertilize with liquid solution fertilizers every 15 days
- Propagate in organic soil
- Mist leaves regularly.
7. Gerbera Daisy

This is one plant that blooms all year long. If your home needs a splash of bright colors, the Gerbera daisy is your best bet. The different varieties could be propagated to give your home an interesting appeal. They prefer to grow in medium sunlight and should be watered regularly.
Gerbera Daisy Care Tips:
- Use sterilized scissors to prune.
- Choose pots with good drainage holes
- For propagation, choose organic soil.
8. Bouganvillea

The Bougainvillea is a statement plant that commands attention with its wide and bright flowers. This plant has different varieties and the bright colors it exudes when it blooms take off any dull appeal your home may have. That they are low maintenance contributes to why they are amongst the most common flowering plants in the world.
If properly nurtured, the plant grows up to 10 to 15 feet apart so they should be properly spaced during propagation.
Bouganvillea Care Tips:
- Do not transplant if the roots are still tender as they are prone to shock which can affect their leaves
- Avoid overcrowding the plants; overcrowding causes the uneven spread of required nutrients
- Ensure the soil remains moist and not soggy.
- Use drilled containers.
9. Gloxinia

The large leaves and the bright pink flowers this plant exudes when it blooms make it difficult to ignore when you walk into a room. The Gloxinia would grow properly if placed in an area where it can receive bright indirect light. A suitable location would be the windowpane.
Over-fertilizing would damage the foliage appearance of the plant. Check the soil surface before watering to gauge the amount of water it needs; this helps prevent overwatering that can lead to root rot. If you can’t find a gloxinia to purchase from any nearby store, you could make an online order.
Gloxinia Care Tips:
- Feed with phosphorus-based fertilizer
- Fertilize once a month
- Leave flowers to grow if you want to collect seeds
- Sterilize scissors before pruning.
10. Ixora

This all-year-round bloomer is a popular plant amongst house plant growers because it is quite easy to maintain. The Ixora has varieties and the beauty of the flower is enhanced when grown in attractive containers.
If you want a splash of colors for your home, you could propagate different varieties of the Ixora. They love to be grown in humid environments and should be kept from drafty areas.
Ixora Care Tips:
- Ensure the soil is kept moist
- Do not water the flowers
- Use well-draining soil to propagate.
Final Thoughts
Remember to consider the theme of your home’s décor before choosing a flowering plant to ensure everything blends in your home. Most flowering plants are easy to maintain and so should not be a difficult task for beginners.
Although the care requirements for flowering plants vary, there are general tips that apply to all: remove dead and faded leaves immediately to increase their growth and use ornamental containers to enhance their beauty.
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