Plants in the peperomia family are known to be easy to grow and most especially beautiful. The peperomia metallic is not an exception.
This plant contributes to the interior of the home or wherever it is placed, it has shiny green-black colors, with a slight touch of red that is unnoticeable once placed in the room. The peperomia Metallica is a type of peperomia.
Metallica’s lovely foliages are reported to be quite rare, to the point where its type cannot be found among other houseplants, so if you have one, we recommend that you look after it properly.
Peperomia plants are simple to grow, even for novices, but both novice and experienced gardeners may want some tips on how to grow them successfully. We’ve got you covered, so we’ve put together a list of resources to assist you in caring for and propagating peperomia Metallica.
Peperomia Metallica Explained
The peperomia Metallica is an evergreen, small-sized plant that has its origin in the tropical regions of South America, although they can also be found in Africa and Central America.
The plant has become well-known for its beautiful foliage, in fact, its name, Metallica was given as a result of the metallic shine of the leaves.

The plant’s leaves are heart-shaped, with greenish-black foliage with a hint of scarlet on the underside and stem.
Like a succulent, the leaves are thick and dense. The plant is endemic to Columbia, Ecuador, and areas of South America, although the most well-known variety is peperomia Metallica var Columbia, also known as a red tree.
Common name | Red Tree |
Scientific name | Peperomia Metallica |
Plant type | Perennial Shrub |
Soil type | Well- draining soil. |
Humidity | 50% and above |
Light | Bright indirect light |
Origin | Africa and South America |
Toxicity | Non-Toxicity |
Peperomia Metallica Propagation
Propagating the peperomia plant is easy, and the same story is for Metallica. Knowing that this is a rare plant, propagation is a great way to increase the existence of the plant. The peperomia Metallica can be propagated in many ways i.e. leaf or stem cutting, via water or soil.
However, leaf-cutting is the simplest and most recommended method of propagating your wonderful plant. We’ll demonstrate how to produce stem and leaf cuttings in both water and soil.
Needs For Propagation:
- A healthy and mature plant
- Sharp and sterilized knife or shears
- Rooting hormone(optional)
- Light well-drained soil
- Pot
- Transparent plastic bag.
1. Stem Cutting Via Water
- Make your cutting from a mature and healthy metallic plant, do this with the use of your sterilized knife or shears. Detach the leaves at the bottom and leave only the ones at the top.
- Fill a glass with water and put your plant cutting in it, ensure that 1 to 2 nodes are submerged in the water, be careful so you do not soak the entire stem in water.
- Keep the water clean by changing it as often as possible; this will prevent any bacteria growth. Also, ensure that the water stays high. In two to six weeks, your plant will develop its roots, from the leaf nodes. Ensure the root is visible enough before transplanting.
- After the root has been established, prepare a potting soil, water properly, and administer the regular Metallica care guide.
2. Stem Cutting Via Soil
- Identify a healthy and mature plant and make a cutting from it. Ensure that your cutting has more than three leaves on it. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only the top leaves (about 2).
- Dip your cutting into rooting hormones, this will speed up the rooting process and increase the success rate.
- Place the cutting into the pot filled with well-draining light soil and cover the plant with a clear plastic bag, doing this will help keep the plant moist and create humidity, mimicking a greenhouse.
- Place the plant where it can get a moderate temperature and bright, indirect light. After a while, remove the plastic bag and continue to treat it as a regular Metallica plant.
3. Leaf-Cutting
- Make cuttings of leaves from the mature and healthy mother plant, you can make as many cuttings as you please, depending on how many leaves you’ll like to propagate.
- Dip the cuttings in rooting hormones (rooting hormones is optional; your plant will grow with or without it.)
- Prepare a large tray and fill it with well-draining soil, then plant your cuttings in it, you can grow your cuttings in one tray until they are big enough to be replanted. Cover the tray with a large clear plastic bag to give them the greenhouse effect.
- When you notice new roots sprouting, transfer the cuttings into their pots and care accordingly.
Peperomia Metallica Care Guide
Here is a care guide for peperomia metallic.
1. Light
It’s important to consider the type of plant you’re growing when lighting the peperomia Metallica. The lighting is also affected by the color of the foliage you have. Metallica var Columbia is recognized for its greenish-black foliage; these types should be kept out of direct sunlight, and strong, indirect light is the optimum form of light for them.

Multicolored plants, such as other Metallica kinds, will thrive in bright, direct light. However, one thing they all have in common is that they all need plenty of sunlight to thrive. As a result, we recommend placing your plant in indirect light; you can position it near a west or east-facing window, but keep a blind between them.
If you don’t have access to natural light, you can grow them under artificial fluorescent light; these plants will thrive. You can also place your plants in the early morning sun for a few hours and keep them indoors for the rest of the day. This will satisfy their lighting needs.
2. Water
Peperomia Metallica is prone to diseases as a result of overwatering. For this reason, it is advised that you water your plant with extra caution.
The best way to ensure that your plant’s watering need is satisfied without overwatering is to check if the top 2-inch soil is dried, if it is, then you can water thoroughly and let the water soak into the soil.
Alternatively, the plant requires 1 inch of water every week, in summer, this can also serve as a guide for you. During winter, the plant’s succulent leaves retain water and provide the plant with the needed moisture. Because of this, it is advised that you reduce watering in winter.
3. Soil
The roots of the peperomia Metallica gives it life, hence caring for the root is of utmost importance. Everything that goes into the root should be the best. The right type of soil for the Metallica plant is light and well-draining soil; this will give the roots some space to breathe.
The most preferred mix is perlite, peat, and sand, perlite ensures that your soil drains water properly and remains light. You can also purchase sandy loam soil; this has all the properties that will help your plant grow right.
4. Humidity
Plants from the tropics, such as the peperomia Metallica, are known to flourish best in humid environments. Fortunately, the plants will flourish in regular indoor humidity, particularly during their growing seasons.
If your plant becomes dehydrated as a result of the weather or climate, you can buy a plant humidifier or use a pebble tray for your plant.
Another alternative is to spray your plant regularly, this can be done to clean your plant and also increase moisture.
5. Temperature
Peperomia Metallica grows best in a warm, well-spaced environment. Typically, the plant will grow best at 65 to 75 degrees F. However, the plant can still survive if placed at 50 degrees F. you mustn’t place them in extreme conditions. They should also be kept away from cold air, drafty windows and doors, heater or radiator, and frost.
6. Fertilizer
The best time to fertilize the peperomia Metallica is during its growing stages, fertilizers will serve as the right support for the plants’ development. The right type of fertilizer contains a 20-20-20 ratio of nutrients. The plants should be fed once a month.
It is recommended that you dilute your plant to half its strength before fertilizing them because these fertilizers contain chemicals that can burn your plant if given in excess. Do not fertilize your plant during the winter, as your plant will be in a state of dormancy during this period.
Growing Tips
- A close check on your plant is recommended from time to time, this will help you identify if your plant is still safe or has been infected.
- Water on your plant’s leaves can cause a development of fungal growth; ensure there is no water on the leaves.
- Cleaning your plant often is good, apart from keeping the plant neat; it also keeps tiny insects away.
- Pruning can help keep your plant in shape and help its growth process. Also, remove dead and yellow leaves from your plant to avoid infection.
- These plants have small roots and love to stay root bound, however, if you notice the roots of your plant are beginning to shoot out from the drainage holes then it’s time to re-pot.
- Rotate the plant weekly to ensure that light touches all the parts of the plant.
- Placing your plant in the early morning or evening sun will attend to their sunlight needs.
Here are some peperomia Metallica plant parent FAQs we have answered for you.
What Type Of Fertilizer Can I Use For My Peperomia Metallica?
Is Peperomia Metallica Toxic?
Why Is My Peperomia Metallica Drooping?
Why Is My Peperomia Metallica Wilting?
Final Thoughts
The peperomia Metallica is one stunning plant and having it in your home or office will only add to the beauty of the place.
Although this plant is easy to care for, we recommend that you pay attention to the little details as a mistake there can ruin your plant.
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