Companion Planting has helped many plants reach their full potential. Eggplant will not be an exception even though its cultivation appears to be difficult. This vegetable plant’s requirements are great but are nothing companion Planting can’t take care of.
Eggplant belongs to the nightshade family and is also known as Aubergines. Other vegetables and crops that belong to the nightshade family are; potatoes, tomatoes, e.t.c.
There are varieties of eggplant which are all characterized by purple skin. Ichiban, little fingers and large oval eggplant are varieties of eggplant and they come with a slightly distinct growing requirement.
Some of the best companion plants for eggplants are borage, oregano, mints, nightshade, broccoli, radish, marigold, nasturtium, and pole beans. Eggplants are heavy feeders so best to choose plants that require the same thing. Plants that should not be grown near eggplants are geranium, corn, and fennel.
Being a perennial vegetable, eggplant prefers warm temperatures, a fertile soil (preferably soil mixed with sufficient nitrogen) to thrive well. Eggplant contains nutrients and is a staple food eaten by many in Africa. You can choose to enjoy your eggplant fried, steamed, or cooked. Over the centuries, eggplant’s taste has improved from bitter to sweet.
Eggplant is a good companion plant that will aid the growth of other plants while also increasing its yield. This can be achieved by growing eggplant with certain plants that support its growth.
10 Best Eggplant Companion Plants
For a vegetable like an eggplant that requires high maintenance, you will need to follow its guide in toto to have a good yield. However, companion planting will help in achieving the same results with little stress.
1. Nightshade
Eggplant belongs to the nightshade family. Unlike other plants that can’t companion with their family, eggplant will grow well and not compete for nutrients. This implies that eggplant will companion with peppers, and tomatoes well even though they are vulnerable to similar diseases and pests.
2. Broccoli
The relationship between eggplant and broccoli is commensal. Broccoli supplies the soil with nutrients that eggplant feeds on. Eggplant needs to feed on sufficient nutrients to survive and produce a good yield. It takes up the nutrients incorporated into the soil by broccoli.
3. Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums have beautiful flowers that blossom. Aphids are common pests that get attracted to Nasturtiums. To ward away aphids from your eggplant, situate some Nasturtium flowers close by.
4. Borage
Flowers have a pest repelling attribute. Borage is another example of a flower that helps to keep worms away from your eggplant. Borages can invite pollinators to your plant.
5. Pole Beans
Cover crops are one of the best companion plants to have in your garden. These crops fix nitrogen in the soil. Eggplant requires a significant amount of nitrogen to grow.
6. Spinach
Spinach and eggplant benefit each other and are perfect companions. Eggplant serves as a source of shade for spinach and spinach helps eggplant to conserve moisture. Both plants don’t attract diseases or pests when planted together.
7. Rosemary

Some herbs serve as good companion plants for eggplant. Eggplant prefers herbs with a strong scent. Rosemary emits a pungent scent that will help in deterring colorado potato beetles from eggplant. Rosemary enhances its flavor too.
8. Radish
It takes a professional gardener to use the ‘Trap crop’ method of gardening. Trap crop involves using a companion plant that attracts certain pests similar to your plant as a distraction. Nasturtium flowers are an example of a trap crop. It is used to distract aphids from your eggplant. Another example of a trap crop is Radish. Radishes distract flea beetles from eggplant and attract them to themselves.
9. Oregano
Aphids, cabbage moths, and spiders are major pests that can destroy your eggplant. However, planting flowers or herbs that can deter these pests is your best bet. Some examples of these plants have been mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Oregano releases a scent that keeps these pests at bay. It also invites pollinators and helpful insects.
10. Mints

Mint has a magical effect on humans let alone pests. This herb releases a scent that gets rid of pests. There are varieties of mint plants that pair well with eggplant. They include peppermint and winter mint. Although mint is an invasive herb, its root will have no adverse effect on eggplant. By sprinkling some mint leaves or growing them with eggplant, pests will stay far away from it.
11. Marigold
Marigolds pair well with many crops in the garden. This flower invites pollinators to your Aubergines and releases a pungent smell that keeps pests at bay. Take note that beans must not be found with marigold and eggplant on the same soil because it’s toxic to its growth.
What Not To Plant With Eggplants
Sighting an eggplant vegetable in a garden will interest you to have the same in your garden.
An eggplant is a beautiful and colorful plant. Companion planting is highly recommended to maintain this beautiful plant and boost its yield. To avoid the destruction of this vegetable, some plants must not come close to your eggplant.
1. Fennel
Planting fennel with eggplant vegetables is an Ill omen. It is found on the list of plants you should never grow with other garden plants. Fennels will deplete nutrients in the soil and prevent the eggplant from receiving sufficient nutrients it needs to bloom into that beautiful purple vegetable.
2. Corn

Corn is susceptible to numerous pests, especially aphids. It can implicate your eggplant by attracting these pests to it thereby stunting its growth.
3. Geranium
Geranium, if grown with other plants will act as a pest repellent. Nevertheless, companioning Geraniums with eggplant will result in disease infections for the eggplant because it’s vulnerable to many diseases.
Eggplant Companion Planting Guide
Here are some companion planting tips you’ll find helpful when planting eggplants in your garden.
- Before planting, rake the soil to get rid of stumps, roots, and weeds then replenish the soil with manure
- Seed germination should start indoors because of frost. Eggplant doesn’t appreciate a cool weather
- Before transplanting eggplant, make sure it is subjected to a warm temperature
- Eggplant thrives in well-drained fertile soil
- When planting indoors, place your eggplant where it will receive direct sunlight. The same applies to it after it has been transplanted outdoors
- A spacing of 2 ft. apart in the garden is important for your plant to flourish
- Wet your plants with an inch of water every week
- Eggplant best thrives at a temperature of 70° F.
Are eggplants easy to grow?
Why is my eggplant not fruiting?
Do eggplants need support?
Do eggplants need full sun?
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Should you water eggplant every day?
How do you increase eggplant yield?
Will eggplant survive the winter?
How tall do eggplant plants get?
Do eggplants need a trellis?
How far apart should eggplant be planted?
What is the best fertilizer for eggplants?
Although, eggplant can appear difficult to cultivate. Companion planting will help to boost its yield and keep pests away from it.
Eggplant will grow well when you adhere to the planting guide. A well-drained fertile (preferably loamy soil), little watering, full sun, Temperature of 70 ° F will produce large fruits of eggplant.
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