Gram flour is a common household type of flour in India and it is popularly known as Bensan.
Although gram flour originated in South Asia, it is widely used in Pakistan and India, it is made from a grounded mixture of chickpeas, hence why it is also called chickpea flour. This flour is rich in essential nutrients and is often used to replace eggs in vegan cooking.
The health benefits of gram flour are often the reason why it’s being used as a replacement for regular flour and wheat flour. Other than cooking, gram flour can be used for external applications which includes face masks, face exfoliators, or even hair masks.
Gram flour is one of the most common household items and it is also a staple in a good deal of Indian cuisine. There are quite a lot of things about this flour that many don’t know about.
According to studies on gram flour, it is rich in lots of essential nutrients which includes oleic and linoleic acid, fiber, vitamin, and a higher proportion of protein than other types of flour. So, check out some notable benefits of gram flour in this article and its uses in the kitchen as well.
Gram Flour Explained
While gram flour is popular, many people still can’t help but ask what is gram flour? Gram flour is a type of flour also known as chickpea flour, gram chickpea, or Besan and it is a well-known ingredient in a good deal of Indian cuisine. Gram flour is made from grounded dry chickpeas, it has a grainy texture and a nutty flavor.
Gram flour is used for making staple India dishes like Ladoo, Curry, Pakoras, Halwa, Flatbread socca, and many others. This is not just a popular flour in India but other countries but due to its earthy flavor, it is also used in savory dishes and is great to coat vegetables.
Gram flour is a very versatile ingredient and It’s not just for cooking but included in many homemade beauty products as well. Although gram flour is not ideal for all baked products due to its denser texture, it won’t rise much like all-purpose flour.

Benefits Of Gram Flour
What are the benefits of gram flour? Glam flour might not be suitable for all kinds of recipes but it does have lots of benefits. The flour can be used instead of regular flour in some sauces and gravies. If you are still wondering why gram flour is a worthy flour in your household, below are some of its benefits.
1. Help Fight Allergies
One of the reasons many substitute regular flour for gram flour is that it helps fight certain allergies. This flour is gluten-free hence it’s perfect for those who are allergic to gluten and it is also nutritious which can help fight allergic reactions.
Gram flour is also a great alternative to wheat flour if you are trying to lower your color intake since it contains fewer calories. Its role in weight loss management can be denied either as it helps curb appetite.
2. Keeps Diabetes Under Control
Gram flour can help control your sugar level and keep diabetes under control. To keep diabetes under control, substitute gram flour for wheat in making roti or bread since gram flour is richer in fiber, it will slow down the risk of type 11 diabetes.
3. Helps In Weight Loss
For faster calorie burn, Besan is a better flour alternative due to its lower level of glycemic index. It is also naturally high in nutrients and is considered more filling than wheat flour.
4. Rich In Vitamins And Minerals
Gram flour is filled with lots of essential vitamins and minerals which is reason enough to have it substituted for wheat flour. Chickpea flour is a great source of important nutrients and it’s lower in calories compared to other flour. One cup of gram flour is loaded with more foliate than you need in a day.
5. Good For Heart
Gram flour is extremely good for the heart and it is higher in fiber than wheat hence it is naturally great for maintaining a healthy heart. It helps keep the cholesterol level under control and it also plays an important role in blood circulation and the proper function of the heart.
Uses Of Gram Flour In The Kitchen
Gram flour might be a versatile staple dish in India, but there are also lots of creative ways this can be enjoyed all over the world. Gram flour can also be substituted for wheat flour and it’s not only used in the kitchen but also included in skin treatment as well.
Gram flour is a protein-packed flour that shouldn’t just be sitting in your kitchen, here are some ways you can make use of it in the kitchen.
- Coinfect cookies with it
- Use in baking bread
- Use to thicken soup, gravies and sauces
- Used as an egg replacer in vegan cooking
- Batter or crunchy coating
- Socca (Chickpea pancake)
- Use for prepping Pizza dough
- Widely used in Indian cookery.
Is gram flour good for daily use?
Gram flour is loaded with essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper which are all great for the body hence it can be good for daily consumption or use. Using gram flour in your daily skincare routine can also prevent a breakout.
Final Thoughts
Chickpea gram flour or besan can be substituted for some recipes that require all-purpose flour but not all since it’s gluten-free flour.
This flour can provide over a quarter of your vitamin and protein needs daily and regular consumption can help boost heart health as well. Gram flour also works best for yeast bread.