The Triostar Stromanthe is always a preferred pick for house plant enthusiasts. Its impressive and vibrant foliage appearance of bright red, pink, white, and green does wonders for the home and its environment aesthetically.
Triostar plants can be grown outdoors and indoors although this is humidity level dependent. In addition, your Triostar Stromanthe is an easy maintenance plant so it is not cost-intensive; Triostar propagation is sure to fit into your budget.
As much as Triostars are favorable houseplants to grow, a bother for its growers is if the house plant is poisonous to pets or not. Certain houseplants pose to be threats to pets you are breeding while growing these plants simultaneously. When pets eat poisonous plants, the effects could be very fatal.
- How do you grow Triostars alongside breeding your pets simultaneously?
- Are you concerned if Triostars Stromanthes are toxic to your pets?
- What should you do when your pets eat houseplants?
This article is the perfect read for you! All your questions are sure to have answers, just keep reading.
Is Triostar Stromanthe Poisonous to pets?
No, Triostar Stromanthe is not poisonous to your pet. Research has proven that it is a safe house plant that can be grown alongside sides breeding pets. Generally, pets that ingest plants are prone to a mild stomach upset which usually can be treated with subtle medications but Triostar ingestion is not toxic for your plants.
While it has been proven that Triostar Stromanthes are not poisonous to your plants, you must take active measures to prevent your house plants from your pets. Pets are usually attracted to plants that have bright and alluring colors.
These attributes lure your pets to the plant and they may be tempted to nib or chew the leaves.
Keeping your pets away from the Triostar is a preventive measure against your pet’s allergy if it has one. Regardless of the non-toxic state of the plant, if your pet is allergic to it, eating it may be a trigger and ingestion may not go easy on your pet.
In addition, when kittens or puppies ingest this plant, they are susceptible to suffocation from the plant which means that measures have to be adopted to protect your pets from your Triostar Stromanthe.

What to do if your pets ingest Triostar Stromanthe plant?
While ingestion of the Triostar Stromanthe is not fatal to your pets, a mild stomach upset could occur especially if they are allergic to the plant.
Signs of stomach upset in pets include audible gurgling from the pets stomach, excessive gas, vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration, stinky breath, and disinterest in their environment.
When ingestion happens, take the pets out of the reach of the plants to prevent further ingestion and rinse the mouth to remove leftover leaves. Avoid forcing the pet to drink water as it may further irritate their stomach.
You could make use of activated charcoal to ease the stomach upset. If a stomach upset occurs, contact your veterinary doctor as soon as you can.
How do you protect your Triostar Stromanthe from your pets?
Although the Triostar Stromanthe is not poisonous to your pets, chewing and nibbling at the plant is sure to disfigure the foliage appearance or destroy the whole plant altogether and it could be frustrating considering all efforts you have put in to maintain its shape, brightness, and appearance.
Certain measures could be adopted to protect your plants from your pets. These measures include:
- Place your plants far above the reach of your pets- Making use of ceiling hangers, tall planters, enclosed display cases help keep your plants out of the reach of your pets. All these make the plants inaccessible to your pet asides from the elegant look some of the plant hangers bring to your home. The level of inaccessibility is dependent on the type of pet and its height.
- Take your house plants outdoors- Changing the location from indoors to outdoors help protect your plants from pets. This restricts the movement of your pets. Deciding on the location of the plant or pet whether to be grown indoors and outdoors is dependent on your choice.
- Build a fence around the propagation- You could make use of wired mesh, barbed wires, and even electric fences. Electric fences send shocks to your pets and discourage them from disturbing your plants.
- Make use of sprays whenever the pets come around the plants; this would dissuade them from moving around the plant. Be consistent in using the sprays to instill behavior.
- Repellant sprays help prevent your pets from the Triostar Stromanthe- Consistently spray the plants with the repellants and the odor would dissuade the pets from the plants.
- Cover the soil of your plants- Some pets are attracted to your plants because they love digging. You could prevent your plants by covering the soil of your plants with pebbles.
- Consider growing edible plants for pets such as cat grass.
- Reinforce good behavior by offering pet treats when they obey your instruction.
Triostar Stromanthe belongs to the family of nontoxic house plants and they can be grown simultaneously with your pets.
Adopt the aforementioned measures to protect your house plants from being disturbed and disfigured by your pets. You can grow your Triostar Stromanthe along sides other nontoxic house plants and edible plants that your pets can chew to keep them busy.
Read next: 40 Pet Safe Houseplants Ideas For Your Home