Glasswares are all over the place now, and with the different designs out there, it is almost irresistible to not purchase them for the home.
Yes, you can put glass in the oven, but you have to be careful with the type of glass you use. Certain glass like tempered glass is oven safe while non-tempered ones shouldn’t go into your oven. So, you need to take precautions and check the label to make sure the glass is oven safe.
The oven is a common kitchen equipment that is used for several things, ranging from baking, broiling, cooking, etc. We know you are probably hesitant to purchase the glassware you love because you are unsure if it will be useful for your oven works.
To fully understand the reason for our answer, you need to understand the materials used in making glass and how they stack up in your oven.
Glass Material Explained
Glass is a hard, brittle substance that is made with sand and other particles i.e., soda. In the production of glass, there are procedures in place, as well as many types of sand and other materials. Let’s simply say that glass is made up of heating silicon dioxide to a high temperature.
The high temperature at which the glass is birthed is about 3090 degrees F. This indicates that the glass is produced at a temperature that is way higher than that of the oven.
However, the use of glass in the oven has conditions. Most glass types are safe for the oven i.e., pyrex, corning-ware, anchor hocking, borosilicate, however, some factors can cause your glass to break when placed in the oven.
The following are factors that can cause your glass to break in the oven:

1. Sudden Temperature Change
This is one of the most common causes of glass breakage in the oven. Although glass is made at a temperature higher than that of the oven, it will not tolerate rapid temperature fluctuation. This mostly occurs when a glass is moved from the fridge to the oven, this act is not recommended as it can cause your glass to break.
2. High Temperature
Baking with glass in the oven has a limit and this is usually based on the mode of manufacturing. This is why it is advisable to always read the manufacturer’s manual and heed the recommendations. Recommendations for glass usage are usually found on the glass or in its pack.
3. Wrong Type Of Glass
Again, not all glasses can be used in the oven. Different types of glass can and can’t be used in this oven, this was previously explained above. It is best to stick strictly to glass that is oven-friendly.
Why Use Glass In The Oven
Here are a couple of reasons why glass is suitable for use in the oven.
1. They’re Non-Toxic
Glass bakeware is non-stick, unlike some other materials that are normally used in the oven. These materials are known to produce toxins at higher temperatures. It is best to eliminate or get rid of toxin-producing materials around us, due to the harm they cause to one’s health.
2. They’re Easy To Clean
Who likes to scrub for long? No one. This is our best reason for using glass in an oven. Unlike some other bakeware, glass doesn’t allow stacking and is relatively easy to clean.
3. For Storage And Reheating
It is much easier to heat, store, and reheat gain in one bowl. Glass makes that possible, unlike much other bakeware which will require you to transfer to a storage container. Your glass can be placed in the fridge or freezer and can also be used to reheat your food.
4. Glasses Have A Clear Surface
It is much more beautiful and easier when you can have a clear view of what you are cooking. While other bakeware does not give you the privilege to do this, using glass in an oven allows you to see the top surface. This also makes it easier to determine how far cooked your food is and how much time is left.
10 Materials You Can And Can’t Use In The Oven
It is good to know that you can make use of several pieces of bakeware for your oven. However, many materials cannot be used in the oven, for various reasons, ranging from breakage to the release of chemical substances that are dangerous to the health.
5 Materials That Can Be Used In The Oven
The following are 5 materials that you can use safely in the oven.
1. Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil is made from an aluminum alloy that has about 92 to 99% pure aluminum metal. Over time, aluminum foil has been a must-have in the home, and that is basically for culinary purposes. Aluminum foil is one of the materials that can be safely used in the oven.
It saves you the stress of having to wash a sheet or baking pan. As you might know, there are several ways to use aluminum foil, one of which is to wrap our food with foil, to help retain moisture.
2. Glassware
Glassware is one of the safest cooking materials to place or use in the oven, microwave oven, or even toaster oven. It has benefits as seen above and is considered safe for health. Although placing glassware in the oven is alright, not all glassware is oven safe or can stay too long in the oven.
Preferably ensure you purchase glassware that is tempered. Also, look for an oven-safe label on your glassware before assuming it can handle the oven. Also, ensure to check for the degree of heat your glassware can resist. This will guide you on how to use it in the oven.
3. Oven-Cooking Bag
From its name, you can deduce that the oven bag is made to be used in the oven. This bag helps retain moisture, just like the aluminum foil, keeps the natural taste of the food locked in, and keeps the food from drying.
Using an oven bag also makes cleaning up easy. To use this, place it in a pan and fill it with whatever you like. Ensure to close it with the nylon tie provided and not a metal tie. For best use, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Ceramic
Ceramics are fine to use in the oven, however, it has to be used with caution. Ensure that your ceramic has no metal, gold, or silver trim around it or that disqualifies it from being used in the oven.
Also do not make use of it, if it is glazed or has adhesive designs. Look through your ceramics and be sure they were built to be used in the oven, before putting them in the oven.
5. Stainless Steel
This is also a favorite! Stainless steel Is one of the best materials suitable for use in the oven. Stainless steel is not easily damaged, regardless of a high temperature. Unlike some other materials, it does not leave stains or colors on your food.
5 Materials That Cannot Be Used In The Oven
The following are 5 materials that you cannot use in the oven to afford hazards.
1. Plastic
We hate to break this to you, but it is not advisable to use plastic in the oven, regardless of what kind of plastic it is. This is because it cannot stand the heat and will begin to soften, regardless of how low the heat is. Plastic is quick to melt once placed in the oven. Also, your oven might catch fire if plastic is placed in it. you do not want that.
2. Wood
This is a bad idea. Wood will catch fire when placed at a temperature between 300 to 580 degrees F, depending on the type of wood. Using a wooden bowl in the oven can damage the bowl, not just this, but can also overheat the food, and even cause a fire!
3. Paper bags
Paper bags are not to be used in the oven. This is because they are not designed to carry out such activity and do not meet the standard of materials for the oven. Paper bags should only be used to carry food and to keep food in and out of the fridge.
4. Styrofoam
Styrofoam is made from expanded polystyrene and it cannot withstand heat well. Styrofoam will begin to soften at 212 degrees F and will melt in no time. Styrofoam is great for preserving cold food and although they are cheap to purchase, they are similar to plastic and cannot be trusted in the oven.
5. Plates
Although it seems easy to just place your plate in the oven, however, this is dangerous. Not all plates are oven friendly and placing just any plate in the oven can have an adverse effect on the plate and your oven. Ensure your plate is oven-friendly before using it in the oven.
Final Thoughts
Glass is considered one of the safest materials that can be used in the oven, we agree.
Ensure to look through your glass to be sure it is oven friendly and also, to look out for how long it can resist heat.
The effect of using non-oven-friendly material in the oven is not only on our oven and materials but also on our health. These cook-wares can have serious health implications.
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