Does hydrogen peroxide kill pinworm eggs? Hydrogen peroxide is an antimicrobial agent, and it is commonly used as a disinfectant to clean wounds and scrapes and prevent infection. Since it acts as a cleansing agent then yes it can be used to get rid of worm infections and kill pinworm eggs as well.
Strict hygiene is essential for getting rid of pinworms since it is mostly caused by a lack of proper hygiene in the first place. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic on test kin and recently, there have been rumors that it can be used to kill pinworm eggs. Hydrogen peroxide does have innumerable uses and benefits.
It is important to learn how to kill pinworm eggs completely as this is the only way to prevent getting re-infected. The pinworm infection can be easily treated with over-the-counter medication or home certain home remedies, but the pinworm eggs on surfaces need strict hygiene measures.
Hydrogen peroxide is not a harsh chemical treatment hence there is a contemplation on whether this can be used to kill pinworm eggs. If you do have hydrogen peroxide at home then read on to know if it can be used to kill those annoying pinworm eggs or not.
Can you see pinworm eggs?
The pinworm eggs are hard to see with the naked eye since they are too tiny, and it’s also hard to detect with a microscope too.
However, the worms can be seen in the toilet, they look like tiny white ribbons and this is why they are difficult to see. Putting a flashlight on the anal region is the only way to quickly detect pinworms.
Before treating pinworm or trying to get rid of the eggs, you need to confirm your diagnosis. Finding the pinworm of eggs around the house confirms that you have a worm infection. According to the CDC, A piece of transparent tape around your skin or anal area can help pick up any pinworms or their eggs and is viewable under a microscope.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Pinworm Eggs?
Pinworm eggs can cause re-infection if they are not removed from your household. Hydrogen peroxide is a common household disinfectant, and it has a long-standing reputation for being substituted for beaches.
Hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean and sanitize your toilet bowls, counter, and practically any surfaces where pinworm eggs might be.
Hydrogen peroxide is a better alternative to bleach, it works exceptionally well and since it has 100% bacteria kill rate, it should be able to kill pinworm eggs as well. Heat is another way to kill pinworm eggs completely, simply increase the temperature and wash your bed sheets, towels, nightclothes, and underwear in hot water.
To prevent re-infection, it is important to disinfect your home and or a thorough cleaning with hydrogen peroxide, pour it into a spray bottle, and spray the hard surfaces in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, toilets, sinks, and bedrooms, let this sit for a while before wiping it off.
Can you bathe in hydrogen peroxide?
Can pinworms cause permanent damage?
Typical pinworm infection won’t cause any permanent damage and will be cleared as soon as treated but if the infection doesn’t go away then it’s vital to see a pediatrician.
Wrapping Up
Pinworms spread quickly and if the eggs are left to lie around then they can keep causing pinworm infections over and over again.
Pinworms are annoying but with proper care, they will go away in no time and not cause any damage. Hydrogen peroxide is a safe effective disinfectant, so it’s worth using for surfaces however avoid excess usage on skin.
More resources on killing pinworm eggs: